Design Services
Electrical & Pneumatic designs
At Intersol, we have the necessary expertise and experience with to produce complete and accurate electrical and/or pnuematic documentation in as short a time as possible. We have a wealth of exposure to a broad spectrum of industrial fields, from water treatment, to cutting edge automotive production, to high speed packaging. Added to this, we are experienced in participating in the upgrade or documentation of old installations. Whatever project you need specialist assistance with, we are here to help. With all projects, we work closely with you to accomodate the inevitable changes that occur along the way in a typical automation project.
We have the necessary experience to support your customer's documentation requirements, whether they require designs in EPLAN, RUPLAN or AutoCAD formats.
New project design
We undertake brand new automation projects, working with you to produce accurate and complete drawings before you installation commences. We can assist with compiling hardware order lists, and you can begin installation with all device, terminal, cable and wire identification already defined. Having terminal interconnection diagrams ready before installation begins helps greatly to reduce the errors encountered and time required to successfully install and commission your new project.
Depending on the scope of the project and your requirements, we may undertake to complete all or part of the design work for your project as well.
As-Built Documentation
We also take on the documenting of existing installations, whether recently commissioned, old, or even awaiting re-commisioning and far different from their original documentation.
We can work closely with your maintenance team, or independently, to complete useful as-built documentation to suit your needs.
Accurate as-built documentation is a great start to a successful upgrade project, whether existing wiring is to be used or not. We can undertake to document the existing installation, and then update it as you work on modifications; or we can redraw completely for projects requiring high levels of replacement.

ePLAN Electric P8
EPLAN is an internationally recognised, German developed electrical CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) software package. EPLAN not only allows for for electrical engineering, but also supports the creation of pneumatic, hydraulic and process documentation.
The benefits of moving from general purpose drafting software to a specialized CAE package for your engineering designs are immediate. Suddenly your designs come alive... you can export lists of part numbers, you can automatically generate terminal strips diagrams, you can easily renumber entire terminal strips, and besides, a multitude of other advantages.

RUPLAN is AN electrical control design and diagramming software package. It is possible to design electrical and pneumatic schematics using multiple standard such as ANSI, JIC, NFPA & IEC-IEEE the most effective way possible. This is a AUTOTEC software product and we have over 10 years experience with this software package and offer professional results.

We have the following certifications with leading Automotive manufacturers.
General Motors
GCCH and Eplan Electric P8
Integra 6 Eplan Certified

Intersol offers EPLAN and RUPLAN related training at your on-site facilities for your convenience, or at a venue of your choice. Training is customized to suit your timing and level of experience. Our customized training is intended to give you optimum results by adapting to your requirements.
Since EPLAN and RUPLAN are specialist package's, the number of persons that can be trained at one time is limited, we do not run a regular course schedule. Instead, we prefer to plan training sessions according to requirements. If you are interested in our training, please get in touch with us and we will make convenient arrangements with you.


Our Company
Intersol is a dynamic, consultancy model business. We specialize in electrical design for the industrial automation industry.
We are also positioned to source, supply, install and configure a broad range of computing, networking and automation products.
Our Mission
To make your project documentation a breeze. The most important part of any project is complete and accurate documentation with zero compromise.
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